Can't believe it's been A YEAR!
Time flyes by really fast, I can remeber how I was excited about my first post just like it was yesterday ! So..I decided to celebrate it with a sunny-so-not-winterish post, hope you won't blame me, because that's exactly how I spent it!
Also, I would like to share some statistics with my dear readers. Most of viewers, of course , are from Moldova, my hometown, so far 15996 views, second place takes Russia- 1229, 3rd goes to USA-1183. 4th Ukraine- 1005 and 5th is UK- 729. Around 620 views my blog got from Germany, France, and Netherlands each, and 570 Brazil and Romania, also each. Also, I get visitors from Canada, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, and some unique visitors from Australia , China, Japan Kazakhstan and India. I want to thank everyone for that, and even I'm not mantaining my blog updated permanently, I still love it and hope stylish people around the world also enjoy stopping by sometimes, and see what a girl from a little country is doing, where traveling and what wearing :) In the end of this celebratory post, I would like to ask you to participate in a survey on the left top of main page, this will help me a lot in arrangment of my blog! :)
Thank you and Happy Birthday to this little passion of mine :)